Monday, August 22, 2011


My favorite twink class will always be huntard, but I think it is time to make some new guys. Since my shaman dinged 20 off damned exploration XP, I will be making a rogue and priest. So far, the rogue is vastly OP, and the priest's shield essentially triples my health.

I chose these classes because they both have nearly all key functionality by level 14.

For the rogue, I want to make a kind of haste twink, with Berserking and Lifeblood as integral parts of a rotation. This would probably make combat the prime spec option.

The priest will be an FC or FC support. If I can get enough cash by level 14, I will stop in the lower bracket for the first time!


  1. I've stopped at level 12 before to gear up and then undo xp gains to go back into the xp-on BGs. I did it with Jewel Crafting. It takes roughly 4-5 hours worth of mining. The first hour is the slowest. After leveling up my skills, I was bringing in around 1.2-1.4 gold per 30 minutes or so.

    Also, just something I have had a lot of fun doing, I have been turning off xp at a certain point (lvl 12, lvl 15-16) gearing up via Leatherworking or dungeons, and then turning xp back on for BGs. I have a pretty sick hunter in the works right now.

    Here is the profile I am going for:

  2. Here are two toons I built managing xp gains for the xp on BGs. They did pretty well:

    Ragingmoon -

    She took quite a while to build. I leveled her a lot of different professions. I helped her through skinning with the help of an alt (kill lvl 19 bears, log off, log on with Ragingmoon, and skin). Jewelcrafting was probably the easiest. It paid off though. She tears through the XP-on BGs. Notice the 800+ honor kills & she started BGing after lvl 12 getting the House Wrynn Crossbow.

    Califax -

    He was my experiment before Ragingmoon. Not nearly as hardcore. 800+ honor kills before lvl 15 though. Then I sent him fishing in Stranglethorn, made 10g in about 2 hours on all the differing pools, turned xp-off, and have been running dungeons since. I have most everything I need for twinking him out for the xp-on 15-19 BGs. I might turn him off at 19...we will see where his honor is at. I would like to get some heirlooms if possible.

  3. Lance you seem to be pretty devoted to this. If you are interested, I can add you as an author so that you can create posts instead of just comments. Send me an email (link on my profile) if this interests you at all.
